Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Adress Sveučilišna avenija 6

Location Rijeka

Public or private Public university

Type Faculty

Field of study Interdisciplinary

Subject of study Educational Sciences (Educational psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Education Economics, Educational Anthropology, Neuroscience and Early Learning, Pedagogical Disciplines)

Academic year of reaccreditation for which the higher education institution entered data 2023./2024.

Academic year Total number of students
2022./2023. 566
2021./2022. 571
2020./2021. 524
2019./2020. 493
2018./2019. 467
Calling Number of teachers
Redoviti profesor 3
Izvanredni profesor 10
Docent 8
Viši predavač 4
Predavač 2
Asistent 4
Poslijedoktorand 1

Number of teachers per calling

Year Type of work Number of works Number of works from collaboration
2023. Premijerno predstavljeno umjetničko djelo na manifestacijama od međunarodnog značaja 0 0

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