Adress Trg Svetog Trojstva 3
Location Osijek
Public or private Public university
Type University
Institutions- Catholic Faculty of Theology in Djakovo
- Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek
- Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek
- Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Information Technology
- Faculty of Food Technology
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Kinesiology Osijek
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Medicine
- School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Academy of Arts and Culture
- Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Physics
Fields of study
Subjects of study
- Architecture and urban planning
- Electrical engineering
- Civil engineering
- Computer science
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Interdisciplinary natural sciences
- Philosophy
- History
- History of art
- Theology
- Philology
- Economics
- Information and communication sciences
- Law
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Social work
- Pedagogy
- Education and rehabilitation sciences
- Kinesiology
- Interdisciplinary social sciences
- Clinical medical sciences
- Pharmacy
- Dental medicine
- Fundamental medical sciences
- Food technology
- Agriculture
- Interdisciplinary biotechnical sciences
- Nutrition
- Theatre arts
- Film arts
- Musical arts
- Fine arts
- Applied arts
- Dance and movement arts
- Interdisciplinary Arts Field
- Design
- Other interdisciplinary sciences
- Educational Sciences (Educational psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Education Economics, Educational Anthropology, Neuroscience and Early Learning, Pedagogical Disciplines)
More information on website