Selection of the institution category
To search public or private institutions, select the category from the list below.
No. | Study programme code | Institution | Issuing institution | Public or private institution | Institution type | Institution location |
1. | 303112 | ARCA Polytechnic | Private college | College | Split | |
2. | 303819 | Edward Bernays Polytechnic | Private college | College | Zagreb | |
3. | 20012 | Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek | Private college | College | Osijek | |
4. | 303624 | PAR Polytechnic | Private college | College | Rijeka | |
5. | 300051 | Polytechnic "Aspira" | Private college | College | Split | |
6. | 3456 | RIT Croatia | Private college | College | Dubrovnik | |
7. | 295 | RRiF College of Financial Management | Private college | College | Zagreb |