Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Selection of the location of the institution

To search location of the institution, select the location from the list below.

No. Study programme code Institution Issuing institution Public or private institution Institution type Institution location
1. 1053 Academy of Dramatic Arts University of Zagreb Public university Academy of arts Zagreb
2. 381 Academy of Fine Arts University of Zagreb Public university Academy of arts Zagreb
3. 1349 Academy of Music University of Zagreb Public university Academy of arts Zagreb
4. 203 Catholic Faculty of Theology University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
5. 300017 Catholic University of Croatia Private university Integrated university Zagreb
6. 303113 College "Effectus" Private polytechnic Polytechnic Zagreb
7. 300012 College for Information Technologies Private polytechnic Polytechnic Zagreb
8. 257 College of Security and Safety Private polytechnic Polytechnic Zagreb
9. 303819 Edward Bernays Polytechnic Private college College Zagreb
10. 178 Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
11. 54 Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
12. 125 Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
13. 82 Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
14. 2223 Faculty of Croatian Studies University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
15. 67 Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
16. 13 Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
17. 36 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
18. 58 Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
19. 68 Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
20. 7 Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
21. 128 Faculty of Graphic Arts University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
22. 130 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
23. 34 Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
24. 66 Faculty of Law University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
25. 120 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
26. 108 Faculty of Medicine University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
27. 195 Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
28. 6 Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
29. 2225 Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
30. 15 Faculty of Political Sciences University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
31. 119 Faculty of Science University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
32. 131 Faculty of Teacher Education University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
33. 117 Faculty of Textile Technology University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
34. 135 Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
35. 53 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
36. 329 Libertas International University Private university Integrated university Zagreb
37. 1003 Polytechnic of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb Public polytechnic Polytechnic Zagreb
38. 240 Polytechnic of Zagreb Public polytechnic Polytechnic Zagreb
39. 295 RRiF College of Financial Management Private college College Zagreb
40. 65 School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb Public university Faculty Zagreb
41. 200 University of Applied Sciences in Criminal Investigation and Public Security Public polytechnic Polytechnic Zagreb
42. 9996 University of Zagreb Public university University Zagreb
43. 20008 University of Zagreb - University Center for Protestant Theology Matthias Flacius Illyricus University of Zagreb Public university University centre Zagreb
44. 304766 VERN University Private university Integrated university Zagreb
45. 300013 Zagreb School of Business Private polytechnic Polytechnic Zagreb
46. 255 Zagreb School of Economics and Managment Private polytechnic Polytechnic Zagreb

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